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Herbal treatment of eyes

Treat infected, red eyes. Honey Lemon juice / lime juice Onion juice Ginger juice Put it into a juicer and juice everything. Put it into a jar. Then put into a pipet, and drop into the infected eye. Drop into the corner. It will sting the eye, for about 10 minutes. Fastests results: Use hourly, feel better after 3 days. Relaxed usage: Twice a day, longer duration to be cured. Way of working: Vitamin C as a catalyst for useful components to the body. Onion juice: It kills harmful bacteria. Ginger boosts the immune system and acts as an antioxidant and antitoxine. Honey also helps killing bacteria, acts as antioxidant and contains minerals.

Picasa Kartenansicht reaktivieren

Problem: Picasa Karte zeigt [object error], die Karte wird nicht mehr dargestellt. Es folgt die Lösung. Gebt in der Windows-Suche (Windows-Taste + s) regedit ein. Es öffnet sich der Registry-Editor. Unter HKey_Current_User > Software > Microsoft > Internet Explorer > Main > FeatureControl > Feature_Browser_Emulation müsst ihr einen DWORD-Wert mit dem Namen picasa3.exe und dem Wert 2af8 hinzufügen. Das war es dann auch schon.

Walter Mitzi

Enter: Walter. He’s a 1999 Mitsubishi Challenger with only 269tkm (estimate for time of sale), 4WD, Auto, V6 Petrol. Engine in great condition, this car will take you anywhere you want to go. Complete documentation with manual, service book and even workshop handbook and the marketing flyer of the time. Timing belt done at 212tkm, due at 312tkm. More about the vehicle itself will be described further below. The car is registered, roadworthy and ready to go. You can get it from (approx.) the 8th of March 2019 in Sydney, 5.600 AUD drive away, negotiable. Update: Registered (in QLD), roadworthy (Blue Slip) and ready to go. 5.500 AUD drive away. Still negotiable. Available from 8 march in Sydney. The car is currently registered in QLD and just received a Blue… Read More »Walter Mitzi


Enter: Walter. He’s a 1999 Mitsubishi Challenger with only 269tkm (estimate for time of sale), 4WD, Auto, V6 Petrol. Engine in great condition, this car will take you anywhere you want to go. Complete documentation with manual, service book and even workshop handbook and the marketing flyer of the time. Timing belt done at 212tkm, due at 312tkm. More about the vehicle itself will be described further below. The car is registered, roadworthy and ready to go. You can get it from the 15th of March 2019 in Helensvale (Brisbane / Gold Coast), 5.500 AUD drive away, negotiable. The really good part about this rig is its equipment. You will have seen a lot of cars which are advertised as “fully equipped”, because they have a mattress in the back… Read More »Walter

Prestashop 1.7 Free Shipping always displayed in Shopping Cart

I ran across the issue that the shopping cart always showed “Free Shipping”, which was incorrect for the cart as shown. In carriers, I had various carriers for various delivery countries, and various cart values established. From a certain order value, all carriers would be free. However as I don’t ship worldwide, most of the regions were not populated with numbers, and not activated for any carrier. The issue about free shipping appeared only when the customer was not logged on. Also, I was viewing the shop from abroad. I didn’t view with any VPN so it was showing the native IP from the country where I was located. I found out the reason for this behaviour: Prestashop saw the country of the viewer through Geolocation. It then checked which… Read More »Prestashop 1.7 Free Shipping always displayed in Shopping Cart

How to change fonts in Prestashop 1.7 to locally host fonts

Unfortunately, this guide does not work. “Invalid property value” is what Firefox tells me after implementing. All the work for nothing. Still publishing this post for myself in case I try to repeat or improve. Locally hosting fonts is somewhat more complex than using google fonts. However, the advantage is that you don’t rely on the google server, you can potentially skip a phrase in your privacy policy, and for some people it may be important that also in mainland China, or any other place where Google services may not be accessible, the fonts will still be displayed. This guide is made based on the following setup: I used google webfonts helper and therefore used the font files from Google. To my knowledge this is legit use of google fonts… Read More »How to change fonts in Prestashop 1.7 to locally host fonts

How to change fonts in Prestashop 1.7 with Google Fonts

To use google fonts, there are three steps. Choose the font from google and get the snippets Modify head.tpl Add custom CSS code Now in sequence: Choose the font from google and get the code snippets. They look like this Embed font: <link href=”” rel=”stylesheet”> Specify in css: font-family: ‘Kumar One Outline’, cursive Open the file themes/classic/templates/_partials/head.tpl (assuming you are using the classic template, and want to modify that directly, otherwise of course choose the template you want to modify) In the file head.tpl, add the “embed font” snippet from google (1.1. above) It could look roughly like this: Open the file themes/classic/assets/css/custom.css Here, you need to know which kind of text you want to modify. I will use an example where standard paragraph text shall be formatted with this… Read More »How to change fonts in Prestashop 1.7 with Google Fonts

Prestashop 1.7 How to enable the profiling information to check load times

To see the opinion of your prestashop installation on its own speed, there is a function called “Profiling” which can be turned on for debugging purposes, or to just get the odd view on how fast your web server may be. In order to activate this, change a file. The path is this, from your installation directory: /config/ In this file, look for this entry: define(‘_PS_DEBUG_PROFILING_’, false); Set this value to “true”, and save. Now a bulk of data will be displaye under each page, in both front office and back office. Just scroll down to see it. It looks like this: Load Time 173 ms – Unicorn powered webserver! Querying Time 22 ms Queries 119 Memory Peak Usage 11.3 Mb Included Files 469 files – 7.04 Mb PrestaShop Cache… Read More »Prestashop 1.7 How to enable the profiling information to check load times


Note to self: Never again buy from local telephone shops to get an internet package from Telkomsel Indonesia. Why is that? I don’t doubt the goodwill of local sellers. But they simply don’t know their stuff. They will sell what they know (which isn’t much) and they will explain as they understand it (which is plain wrong). Rather browse through USSD codes on #363* and pay with credit card in the app. Information will be limited, but at least accurate. Next note to self: Never buy “Combo” offers. They boast large GB numbers, but really have only 500Mb of useful internet volume. The rest is ‘video volume’ (useless), ‘social media volume’ (almost as useless) and ‘kuota lokal’ (entirely pointless, because it is valid in the CITY of purchase. I am… Read More »Telkomsel

Prüfen ob es eine Firma wirklich gibt

Wer im Internet einkauft, muss das Vertrauen in den Internet Shop mitbringen. Leider gibt es Betrüger, die einen Internetshop aufbauen, Geld einnehmen und danach nie wieder erreichbar sind. Diese geben in ihren Shops falsche Namen und nicht existierende Handelsregisternummern an, um sich der Verfolgung zu entziehen. Der Internetauftritt ist reine Fassade, alle inhaltlichen Angaben sind erfunden. Einzige Zahlungsmethode: Vorkasse per Überweisung. Wie prüft man, ob eine Firma wirklich existiert? Für Firmen, die im Handelsregister eingetragen sind, bietet sich an den Handelsregistereintrag zu prüfen: Hier gibt es die “Normale Suche”, welche eine relativ schnelle Suche nach dem Namen der Firma ermöglicht. Empfohlene Suche: Den Namen der Firma eintragen und “Alle Worte” anwählen, dann die Suche ausführen. Natürlich muss man darauf achten, wirklich den Namen der Firma einzutragen, nicht den des… Read More »Prüfen ob es eine Firma wirklich gibt