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Welcome to muezzin country

So what is that rummaging about a rooster, who is driven by instinct and lack of intellectual capacity, when humans themselves, fully capable of controlling their actions and understanding their impact, wilfully destroy their own kin’s night’s sleep? It is 12. November, 04:15 a.m. in Labuan Bajo, East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia, and I have been the witness of a 25 minute loudspeaker reinforced chanting session which could not be absorbed by my earplugs and was certain to wake up the entire town. In other countries, such behaviour would be subject to criminal prosecution (and rightfully so), but here it seems to be the expression of a religiousness which is gladly welcomed by the general population. Or so I must assume. Although I didn’t recognize the kind of song straight away,… Read More »Welcome to muezzin country

Speed test

If you like to check on your internet connection speed sometimes, like I do, then maybe you think that doesn’t give enough info (no upload speed) and gets cluttered with ads (victim of their success) or requires the installation of an app (full of ads I suppose). Luckily there are more possibilities. Fourth hit in my search was very simple and it gives upload and download speed. It also works where netflix is blocked ( relies on netflix). A bit awkward: Only looks nice when called on this exact address, otherwise it gets embedded in a slightly crammed site.    

Roosters on Bali

I developed a sudden urge to ask for a chicken dish, after realizing that the rooster cries had nothing to do with the time of the day. Staying in the northern part of the Jimbaran Beach area, I had to realize a few things: It is 3 a.m. and roosters seem to be everywhere, judging by the depth of reverberating and seemingly echoing sound of roosters penetrating from distant depths of urban Denpasar, as well as from my own courtyard. Or is it in my bedroom? Roosters don’t shout out when the sun goes up. Or at any specific time of day. They just cry out all night. Attentively I followed their song from 2:30 to 6 a.m.. Yes, this means I pretty much didn’t sleep all night. And I… Read More »Roosters on Bali

Changing the name of your store with Prestashop 1.7

I want to change the name of my prestashop store. How can I do that? I thought this was done in the database directly. Used phpMyAdmin to access your database and look for this table: prefix_shop where prefix should be replaced with the table prefix which your shop uses. What’s my prefix? You can look that up in this file: /app/config/parameters.php , in the line which is called “database_prefix”. Problem: It didn’t work! The table is there but I have got no idea which function it may fulfil, as changing it has no effect. Actually in Prestashop 1.7 this is done in the backoffice. Navigate here: Shop Parameters Contact Tab: Stores Bottom: Contact details. This actually worked in Prestashop

Creating a prestashop backup for version 1.7

How to backup Prestashop 1.7? Prestashop consists of two sets of data: Files Database Both have to be copied (backed up). To create a backup of the shop, these are the simplest steps you can perform: Create a database backup from prestashop’s Backend. (Advanced Parameters -> Database -> Tab: DB Backup) Copy all files (that belong to your Prestashop installation) to a safe location. Example: Zip all files into an archive on the server. Then download the compressed archive file to your local hard drive. If your hosting provider does not support compressing files on the server, you will have to download all of them from the current hosting provider to your local hard drive fia FTP (e.g. using FileZilla). In order to restore the shop, you have to put… Read More »Creating a prestashop backup for version 1.7

Changing the database prefix in Prestashop 1.7

I would like to change the name of tables in my database, which are used for my Prestashop installation. The database contents used for the prestashop installation are named with a prefix. This prefix (e.g. PS_, or PSgu72he_) makes it possible to distinguish the files of one installation from other files in the same database which are not related to the prestashop installation. You can choose this prefix during installation. Maybe you don’t like this prefix any more, or have another motivation to change it. To change the database prefix in Prestashop, you need access to the sql database. Usually this is done with phpMyAdmin. You can get access to this through your webhoster. It should be linked in the hosting provider’s customer area (Plesk or otherwise). (Should you not… Read More »Changing the database prefix in Prestashop 1.7

Die Geschichte vom Sumselkawumsel.

Poesie und Prosa. Sumselkawumsel, O Sumselkawumsel, wer Deinen Namen rief? Lang sehnte sich das Wumsel, doch bald nahte ein Sumsel, derweil ein Ka im Laube lief, und eh es sich versah, zwischen den beiden -umseln verbunden war! Die Geschichte vom Sumselkawumsel. Es war einmal, vor langer langer Zeit, da wanderte ein Wumsel mutterseelenallein durch die Landschaft. Doch wie es dort so umherwanderte, dachte es bei sich insgeheim, ich wünschte, ich wäre weniger allein. Gleichzeitig jedoch war an einem nicht allzuweit entfernten Ort ein Sumsel dabei, sich auf den Weg zu machen und ebenfalls eine Wanderung zu beginnen. Und wie es sich so begab, so wanderten die beiden aufeinander zu. Und wie durch Zufall, als sie einander beinahe schon begegnet waren, entdeckten sie gleichzeitig ein kleines, unscheibares Ka, welches in Windeseile… Read More »Die Geschichte vom Sumselkawumsel.