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Corel X5 Menu bar invisible

In Corel Draw x5 the menu bar is not visible in Windows 10. I’m aware that this version of Corel Graphics Suite is heavily outdated, but I don’t need a lot of this version’s functions already, let alone those of any newer version. I paid for it so I’d like to continue using it.

The menu bar in Corel X5 in Windows 10 is not visible, until the mouse pointer hovers over the menu. Once it does so, the menu item under the cursor becomes visible. So the menu is still useful, but highly unpractical.

The Corel Draw X5 menu can be made visible with the following steps.

Actually these steps don’t make the existing menu visible. A new custom menu bar is created and replicates the standard menu. Then the standard menu is removed and the custom menu placed in its stead. That works just fine.

This is how it’s done:

  1. Open the options menu. Either by navigating through the (invisible) menu bar to “Tools – Options” or by pressing Ctrl+J.
  2. In the options menu, select Customisation – Command Bars.
  3. Create a new command bar. I called mine “Menu bar visible”.
  4. Default Button Appearance: Caption Only. This gives you text only, and it will look very similar to the original menu bar.
  5. In the options menu, switch to Customisation – Commands. The item just below.
  6. As soon as the Commands item is selected, commands can be moved around in the menus which are available. So now it is possible to click in the invisible menu bar and drag and drop menu items around. Doing so will modify the menu bar. In order to leave the existing menu bar intact, the dragging and dropping can be done while holding the Ctrl – Key. This will duplicate any item while dropped. The existing one stays in place, and a copy will be created at the target location. Therefore you can do the following:
  7. While holding the Ctrl-Key, drag and drop each menu item from the existing menu bar into the newly created custom tool bar.
  8. In Customisation – Command bars, remove the tick box before the original Menu Bar. This hides the original menu bar.
  9. Move the new custom tool bar to the top position.

Done. Now a new menu bar is created which looks pretty close to what the original menu bar should look like.


In Corel Draw x5 ist die Menüleiste nicht sichtbar. Die Menüpunkte werden erst sichtbar, wenn man mit der Maus darüberfährt (Mouseover) und der Zeiger darauf steht. Dann kann man die Menüpunkte lesen. Das ist äußerst unpraktisch und unnötig.

Mit den oben beschriebenen Schritten kann man die Menüleiste in Corel X5 wieder sichtbar machen.